

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) is an outpatient laser vision correction procedure that can reduce or eliminate the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. It works by using an excimer laser to reshape the curvature of the eye for patients with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. PRK was the most commonly performed laser vision correction procedure before LASIK eye surgery became popular.

Unlike LASIK, PRK does not involve creating a flap. It is best suited for patients with thinner corneas or those who have vocational or sports-related limitations that make a corneal flap contraindicated. Here is what you can expect during the PRK surgery procedure. 

The procedure is minimally invasive and does not involve scalpels or incisions and uses an instrument to prevent blinking during the procedure.  After anesthetic drops are applied to numb the eye, the protective surface layer of the cornea is removed and will regrow within five days. 

Our surgeon then uses computer-controlled pulses of cool laser light to reshape the curvature of the eye. The deeper cell layers of the cornea remain untouched. PRK surgery typically takes about five minutes to complete. Afterward, the surgeon places a clear bandage contact lens on the cornea to protect it and applies more eye drops. Since only a thin layer of the cornea is removed, its original strength will be maintained.

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