
Cataracts And Cataract Surgery

The natural lens within the eye usually maintains its transparency, but if it turns opaque, the condition is referred to as a ‘cataract’. It’s important to clarify that a cataract is not a film or growth that emerges within the eye; rather, it signifies a clouding of the lens itself. As this cloudiness progresses, it obstructs the accurate focusing of light onto the retina – the light-sensitive tissue situated at the rear of the eye. Initial changes or clouding of the lens might not greatly affect one’s vision. However, with the ongoing alteration of the lens, vision becomes progressively blurry, and issues like glare, haziness, and trouble with tasks like reading or recognizing street signs can arise.

Opting for cataract surgery during the initial stages leads to swifter recovery and a technically less complex procedure. 

However, many individuals leading active lives involving work, driving, and computer use, place higher demands on their vision. Such individuals often elect surgery earlier.  

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